You bet! If you've been to New York City, you've probably seen the subway grates that line city streets. Well, one student artist has added something you probably haven't seen before. At first look, it appears to be a gray garbage bag on top of a grate, but then the subway train goes by an the air shoots up through the grate. All of a sudden trash becomes art! The inflated bag becomes a wobbly giraffe!
It's creator, Josh Harris, was inspired when see tape blowing up through the subway grates. In his quest for artist recognition, he literally took his art to the streets to create this piece. "You walk down the streets, and all of a sudden trash jumps to life", he said. "It's not what you usually see."
To see the giraffe in action, click here! (Note the commercial before the video is short.)
For more fun, some of his first pieces include polar bears. You can see them in action here.
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